Fill your day with speckles of joy as you live through days with something to look forward to in every moment. With the intentions to inspire simple pleasures every day, here’s a guide to live a happier, more fulfilling life with a bit of a boost from the daily routine.

Indulge in freshly squeezed juice

Begin your day with freshly squeezed juices from a mix of your favourite fruits and have them poured into a pleasantly aesthetic glass. Not only is it healthy for you, it also helps you to take on the day and conquer all your daily tasks. We have a beautiful collection of glasses to choose from to sip your morning drinks, so check them out on our website.

Gratitude journaling

With so many things happening in our lives, we tend to forget to appreciate the things that surround us. Take a few moment of your day to simply write in a journal as you reminisce through all the good memories you’ve experienced. While you enjoy journaling your thoughts, get comfortable by sitting yourself at a nice cosy spot with soft, warm blankets and scented diffusers to set the mood.

Give your home some character

Need a bit of change to make your space even cosier? Simply add warm textures into your decor with different pattern rugs to create depth and character to your space. The tip is to choose one according to your room’s colour scheme and the tones of your furniture. You may also bring in some cushions to the area for that extra warmth. Feel free to look on our website for a wide selection of products to inspire you in finding the right interior and design you have in mind.

Take on baking projects

Spice up your weekend by taking on bake projects as you try new recipes that let you to experiment and get creative. Once all is baked, take the time to enjoy the taste of deliciously warm aromatic fresh bakes with a beautiful plated platter. A simple change in presentation on your plating can make a ton of difference, so browse through our Hepburn or Reo dinnerware collection for inspiration.

Paint your happiness

Express yourself through the works of art. Take your paint brushes and water colours to start experimenting with your artistic side. Create the perfect spot to spark ideas by cosying up your space with our wooden stools, faux botanical plants to feel like you’re in the presence of nature and an aromatic scent for sweet serenity.

Get a good night’s sleep in soft linen

Enjoy a heavenly night’s rest by keeping yourself nice and snuggly in a lofty bed sheet because nothing beats sleeping on comfy soft linens. A sleep on cloud nine will have you waking up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to start the day on a good note. Looking for new linens? We have a variety of collection to fit your very own personality.

Play some happy tunes

Good music equals to good vibes because it instantaneously gets your heart rate pumping! Let the sounds of feel-good music echo through your home as you dance to the rhythm of the beat. Add more good vibes by decorating your space with twinkle lights and scented candles to create a calm comforting space to let loose. For fun night lights and aromatic candles, head onto our website to explore a selection of options.

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